Please tell me I’m Normal.....
So Sense I’ve had Kypton, I’ve thought being a mom is pretty easy. I haven’t really had any moments where I just want to turn back time for a min. UNTIL now. For the last two weeks........EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, My baby does not want to sleep. For once I just want to run away for a day or two. I don’t know how much longer I can take him not sleeping at night. Not that he’s happy and just wants to be awake. He wants to be asleep, but he fights it. so he’s whining and fussing all night long! So which leads to fussy days as well. I can officially say Motherhood is not easy! I LOVE him so much so its worth it. But I don’t know how much longer i can go, before I have a melt down, and want to run away! So Mothers out there.......Please tell me I’m normal. Tell me that you experience the same things, and that its just not me that feels like I want to drop my baby off at grandmas and run away. I feel like a horrible mommy!!
Have you tried to put him on a schedule during the day? The exact time for nap times etc.
ReplyDeleteWhat helped me is that I would get kingston into a ritual he goes down for a nap at 11 then again at 4 then goes down for the night at 9.
Before we go to bed I feed him, bathe him, then we snuggle or read a book then I lay him down and he knows its night time. He usually falls a sleep way fast.
Also don't give Kypton a bottle while he's in bed then he'll think he needs a bottle to fall asleep. So if he woke up at night he'd automatically think that he needs a bottle to fall back to sleep which isn't good.
If he wakes up during the night let him cry it out a little which can be super hard at first or if you can't stand that go in 10 minutes after letting him cry, rub his head say "NIGHT NIGHT" and walk out. They need to know its not play time and its sleep time.
It takes a couple of nights but it works really well I got a book called Healthy sleep habits happy baby.
Its soo hard on the mom more than the baby because their like WHAT THE FLIP? WHERE IS MY MOM?
But I promise it works. GOod luck!
You ARE totally normal! There is a reason why heavenly father trusted only women to have children. Not that only women take care of them (except in my case) but it is a very hard job and it takes A LOT of love and patience. Which women just seem to be born with. I have never tried this before but Tim's wife, Amy swears by babywise. I don't know much about it but she loves it and it works for them and their little guy, Kaden. You could maybe look it up on the internet.
ReplyDeleteYes, routines are very good for little ones. Something that helped Natalie when she was a baby (and I still do it) is get a nightlight and some music and play it in their room. I had a noise machine with her that would hook onto the crib and it worked wonders. Just some ideas if you want to try them out. Good luck! You are a great mom and don't ever heistate to ask for a break if you need one. I'm sure there are lots of people in the family who love you who wouldn't mind giving you a break if you really need it. Hang in there, it does get better!
It is so nice to hear other moms going thru the same things! Brin isn't the best sleeper but i've been workin with her on it. I pretty much have the same advice as others have left you. At 4 months i starting doing a routine with her before bed. She eats a little, takes a bath, finishes eating, we sing a song while i rock her, then i put her in her crib. I read babywise and liked a lot of it. I would recommend it. Now whenever she cries i wait 5 min then go pat her tummy and walk back out, if she keeps crying i wait 10 min then do it again etc. She still wakes up 2-3 times a night these days... i think its due to vacations and being sick though cause she was just waking up once to eat. This month im working on taking her night feeding away so she can learn to sleep all night!! Good luck with little Kypton. It really is hard sometimes but you are a great mom! You can do it! :) Just take deep breaths & remember how perfect and precious he is. He loves you.