Thursday, October 28, 2010

Official 6 Month Stats. . .
(I know i'm late, but thats because Kypton just barely went in for his well baby appt. yesterday, and now he's almost 7 months!)

Kypton. . . 
weight: 16.6lbs. (25th %)
Length: 26 3/4in. (50th %)
Head Circumference: 17 1/4 (25th %)
A little on the smaller side, but perfectly healthy!

Kypton loves:
Baby Signing Time
Standing up
baby einstein Jumper
Bath Time
Mac and Cheese ( baby food)
Mommy and Daddy
Pulling on puppies ears

Kypton can:
sit up all by himself
pull himself up to his feet holding our hands
say MOMMY!!!
blow Raspberries
take his shoes off
make Ba sounds
put his own binki in his mouth

Kypton still:
wakes up 2x's a night
hates going to bed

We love you bubba!! We're so lucky to be your parents, and look forward to learning and growing with you!!

Love Mom and Dad!


  1. Kypton is such a cutie!! My little Braxton.. well, not too little I guess ha ha, weighs about 16 pounds now. And he is only just over 3 months!

  2. wow hes getting so old already:) so cute
